Министерство культуры РФ
Particularly valuable object
cultural heritage of the
Russian Federation
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Scientific and creative centers

Musical and Ethnographic Center named after E.V. Gippius

The purpose of the Center is to preserve, study and promote the unique cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and develop research, educational and creative projects for its multidisciplinary introduction into the modern educational and cultural process

Center for Modern Technologies in Science, Education and Pedagogy
The purpose of the Center is to preserve, study and broadcast scientific and methodological developments in the field of music education and pedagogy
Scientific and creative center for the study of musical theater problems
The goal of the Center is to create an all-Russian permanent platform for scientific discussions on issues of history, the current state of musical theater and the practical implementation of scientific research results, the development of research and creative projects in its field
Scientific and Creative Center for Contemporary Music
The purpose of the Center is to study and promote music of the XX-XXI centuries, develop and conduct scientific, creative and educational events dedicated to modern musical art